Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nights Journey Of Dreams Cheats

Unlockable: Helen's Unlockables

The following in-game features can be unlocked by defeating Helen's quest in story mode. By defeating her quest, you will unlock the Sketchbook. If you finish her quest with at least a C rating (or higher) on each mission, you will also unlock Helen's Video Room.

Unlockable: Will's Unlockables

The following in-game features can be unlocked by defeating Will's quest in story mode. By defeating his quest, you will unlock the Audio Room. If you finish his quest with at least a C rating (or higher) on each mission, you will also unlock Will's Video Room.

Unlockable: Original NiGHTS Characters

To unlock two characters from the original Sega Saturn NiGHTS game, you must obtain all sixty Dream Drops with the two new characters. To unlock Claris Sinclair, you must do this with Helen. To unlock Elliot Edwards, you must do this with Will. After all sixty Dream Drops are obtained, be sure to jump into the Dream World Fountain to fully unlock the character you're seeking.

Unlockable: Race Music

To unlock Race Music in your Sound Library, simply play a single two player race in two player mode. After doing this for the first time, you should find the race soundtrack in your Sound Library.

Unlockable: Original NiGHTS Music

To unlock the original NiGHTS soundtrack from the SEGA Saturn days, get an A ranking on each and every stage in the game

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